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Books and Book Chapters


Friebe, A., J. E. Swenson, and A. Zedrosser.  2023.  Hibernation ecology of brown bears in Sweden.  Pp. 109-120 in O. Grimm (ed.), with D. Groẞ, A. Pesch, O. Sundqvist, and A. Zedrosser.  Bear and Human; Facets of a Multi-Layered Relationship from Past to Recent Times, with Emphasis on Northern Europe.  The Archaeology of Northern Europe Vol. 3.  Brepols Publishers, Turnhout, Belgium. (B35)

Grimm, O., A. Zedrosser, and J. E. Swenson.  2023.  Bears - fact and fiction about bear hunting and intelligence, p. 137-145 in O. Grimm (ed.), with D. Groẞ, A. Pesch, O. Sundqvist, and A. Zedrosser.  Bear and Human; Facets of a Multi-Layered Relationship from Past to Recent Times, with Emphasis on Northern Europe.  The Archaeology of Northern Europe Vol. 3.  Brepols Publishers, Turnhout, Belgium. (B36)


Kopatz, A. 2023. Genetics of brown bears in northern Europe. Pp. 99-108 in O. Grimm (ed.) Bear and Human. Facets of a Multi-Layered Relationship from Past to Recent Times, with Emphasis on Northern Europe Vol. 1. Brepols Publishers. Turnhout, Belgium.


Kreeger TJ, Arnemo JM, Caulkett NA, Hampton JO, Meyer LCR. Handbook of Wildlife Chemical Immobilization. 6th ed. Bovey, MN, USA: Published by authors, 2023. (B44)


Lefai, E. & Bertile, F. Etudier les ours en hibernation pour mieux soigner l’atrophie musculaire humaine, In: L'Interdisciplinarité - Voyages au-delà des disciplines, Blanc, S., Bouzeghoub, M., Knoop, M. (Eds.), CNRS Editions 2023, pp. 32-36. (B43)


Mowat, G., Clark, J.D., Kopatz, A., Lamb, C.T., Norman, A.J., 2023. Genetic based inventories of wildlife abundance. Berry, O.F., Holleley, C.E., Jarman, S.N. (Editors) Applied Environmental Genomics. CSIRO Publishing, Clayton, Australia. DOI: 10.1071/9781486314935 (B46)

Schneider, M., A. Zedrosser, I. Kojola, and J. E. Swenson.  2023.  The management of brown bears in Sweden, Norway, and Finland.  Pp. 77-98 in O. Grimm (ed.), with D. Groẞ, A. Pesch, O. Sundqvist, and A. Zedrosser.  Bear and Human; Facets of a Multi-Layered Relationship from Past to Recent Times, with Emphasis on Northern Europe.  The Archaeology of Northern Europe Vol. 3.  Brepols Publishers, Turnhout, Belgium. (B37)


Swenson, J.E., Ciucci, P., Huber, Đ., Penteriani, V., Zedrosser, A. 2023. Brown Bear Ursus arctos Linnaeus, 1758. In: Hackländer, K., Zachos, F.E. (eds) Handbook of the Mammals of Europe. Springer, Cham. (B45)


Swenson, J. E. and S. Brunberg.  2023.  The history of the Scandinavian Brown Bear Research Project - a formidable success story.  Pp. 63-76 in O. Grimm (ed.), with D. Groẞ, A. Pesch, O. Sundqvist, and A. Zedrosser.  Bear and Human; Facets of a Multi-Layered Relationship from Past to Recent Times, with Emphasis on Northern Europe.  The Archaeology of Northern Europe Vol. 3.  Brepols Publishers, Turnhout, Belgium. (B38)


Zedrosser, A., S. C. Frank, J. E. Hansen, S. M. J. G. Steyaert, and J. E. Swenson.  2023.  The social system of a “nonsocial” species, the brown bear, p. 121-128 in O. Grimm (ed.), with D. Groẞ, A. Pesch, O. Sundqvist, and A. Zedrosser.  Bear and Human; Facets of a Multi-Layered Relationship from Past to Recent Times, with Emphasis on Northern Europe.  The Archaeology of Northern Europe Vol. 3.  Brepols Publishers, Turnhout, Belgium. (B39)


Zedrosser, A., S. M. J. G. Steyaert, and J. E. Swenson.  2023.  Sexually selected infanticide as a mating strategy in brown bears.  Pp. 129-136 in O. Grimm (ed.), with D. Groẞ, A. Pesch, O. Sundqvist, and A. Zedrosser.  Bear and Human; Facets of a Multi-Layered Relationship from Past to Recent Times, with Emphasis on Northern Europe.  The Archaeology of Northern Europe Vol. 3.  Brepols Publishers, Turnhout, Belgium. (B40)


Zedrosser, A. and J. E. Swenson.  2023.  Conservation, status, and distribution of the brown bear in Europe, Pp. 51-62 in O. Grimm (ed.), with D. Groẞ, A. Pesch, O. Sundqvist, and A. Zedrosser.  Bear and Human; Facets of a Multi-Layered Relationship from Past to Recent Times, with Emphasis on Northern Europe.  The Archaeology of Northern Europe Vol. 3.  Brepols Publishers, Turnhout, Belgium. (B41)



Arnemo JM, Fuchs B, Sonne C, Stokke S. Hunting with Lead Ammunition: A One Health Perspective. In: Tryland M, ed. Arctic One Health. Challenges for Northern Animals and People. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2022:439-468. (B33)



Krofel, M. M. Elfström, H. Ambarlı, G. Bombieri, E. González-Bernardo, K. Jerina, A. Laguna, V. Penteriani, J. P. Phillips, N. Selva, S. M. Wilson, A. Zarzo-Arias, C. Groff, D. Huber, A. A. Karamanlidis, Y. Mertzanis, E. Revilla, and C. Bautista. 2020. Human-bear conflicts at the beginning of the twenty-first century: Patterns, determinants, and mitigation measures. Pp. 213-226 in V. Penteriani and M. Melletti, eds. Bears of the world: Ecology, conservation and management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. doi:10.1017/9781108692571.016 (B27)

Ordiz, A., M. Krofel, C. Milleret, I. Seryodkin, A. Tallian, O.-G. Støen, T. R. Sivertsen, J. Kindberg, P. Wabakken, H. Sand, and J. E. Swenson. 2020. Interspecific interactions between brown bears, ungulates, and other large carnivores. Pp. 36-44 in V. Penteriani and M. Melletti, eds. Bears of the world: Ecology, conservation and management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. doi:10.1017/9781108692571.004 (B25)

Penteriani, V., G. Bombieri, M. del Mar Delgado, T. Sharp, K. Yamazaki, H. S. Bargali, N. Dharaiya, A. K. Jangid, R. K. Sharma, B. R. Lamichhane, S. Ratnayeke, I. Seryodkin, H. S. Palei, A. Subedi, H. Ambarlı, J. M. Fedriani, P. J. Garrote, K. Jerina, I. Kojola, M. Krofel, P. Mardaraj, M. Melletti, A. Ordiz, P. Pedrini, E. Revilla, L. F. Russo, V. Sahlén, C. Servheen, O.-G. Støen, J. E. Swenson, and T. Smith. 2020. Patterns of bear attacks on humans, factors triggering risky scenarios, and how to reduce them. Pp. 239-249 in V. Penteriani and M. Melletti, eds. Bears of the world: Ecology, conservation and management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.  doi:10.1017/9781108692571.018 (B28)

Penteriani, V., A. A. Karamanlidis, A. Ordiz, P. Ciucci, L. Boitani, G. Bertorelle, A. Zarzo-Arias, G. Bombieri, E. González-Bernardo, P. Morini, F. Pinchera, N. Fernández, M. C. Mateo-Sánchez, E. Revilla, M. de Gabriel Hernando, Y. Mertzanis, and M. Melletti. 2020. Bears in human-modified landscapes: The case studies of the Cantabrian, Apennine, and Pindos Mountains. Pp. 260-272 in V. Penteriani and M. Melletti, eds. Bears of the world: Ecology, conservation and management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.  doi:10.1017/9781108692571.020 (B30)

Proctor, M. F., T. Dutta, B. N. McLellan, S. Garcia Rangel, D. Paetkau, R. R. Swaisgood, and A. Zedrosser. 2020. Managing for interpopulation connectivity of the world’s bear species. Pp. 317-337 in V. Penteriani and M. Melletti, eds. Bears of the world: Ecology, conservation and management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. doi:10.1017/9781108692571.023 (B32)

Servheen, C., H. Ambarlı, H. S. Bargali, S. W. Breck, N. D’Cruze, C. Groff, G. M. Fredriksson, M. L. Gibeau, I. Goldstein Aizman, D. Huber, K. C. Kendall, S. D. Miller, M. F. Proctor, M. Rutherford, L. Scotson, and J. E. Swenson. 2020. Conservation and management of bears. Pp. 273-302 in V. Penteriani and M. Melletti, eds. Bears of the world: Ecology, conservation and management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.  doi:10.1017/9781108692571.021 (B31)

Steyaert, S. M. J. G., A. Zedrosser, R. R. Swaisgood, E. Filipczykova, B. Crudge, T. Dutta, S. Sharma, S. Ratnayeke, S. Koike, M. Leclerc, A. E. Derocher, M. Clapham, T. Spady, B. McLellan, A. Ordiz, A. Fernández-Gil, M. Delibes, and J. E. Swenson. 2020. Mating Strategies.  Pp. 21-35 in V. Penteriani and M. Melletti, eds. Bears of the world: Ecology, conservation and management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.  doi:10.1017/9781108692571.003 (B24)

Støen, O.-G., A. Ordiz, M. Elfström, A. G. Hertel, V. Sahlén, J. Kindberg, and J. E. Swenson. 2020. Effects of human disturbance on brown bear behavior.  Pp. 250-259 in V. Penteriani and M. Melletti, eds. Bears of the world: Ecology, conservation and management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. doi:10.1017/9781108692571.019 (B29)

Swenson, J. E. H. Ambarlı, J. M. Arnemo, L. Baskin, P. Ciucci, P. I. Danilov, M. Delibes, M. Elfström, A. L. Evans, C. Groff, A. G. Hertel, D. Huber, K. Jerina, A. A. Karamanlidis, J. Kindberg, I. Kojola, M. Krofel, J. Kusak, T. Mano, M. Melletti, Y. Mertzanis, A. Ordiz, S. Palazón, J. Parchizadeh, V. Penteriani, P.-Y. Quenette, A. Sergiel, N. Selva, I. Seryodkin, M. Skuban, S. M. J. G. Steyaert, O.-G. Støen, K. F. Tirronen, and A. Zedrosser. 2020. Brown bear (Ursus arctos; Eurasia). Pp. 139-161 in V. Penteriani and M. Melletti, eds. Bears of the world: Ecology, conservation and management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. doi:10.1017/9781108692571.013 (B26)



Caulkett NA, Arnemo JM. Comparative anesthesia and analgesia of zoo animals and wildlife. In: Grimm KA, Lamont LA, Tranquilli WJ, Green SA, Robertson SA, eds. Veterinary anesthesia and analgesia. The fifth edition of Lumb and Jones. Ames: Wiley Blackwell 2015: 764-776. (B34)

Swenson, J. E. 2015. Conservation research and animal activism: In search of a better balance. Pp 207-215 in  L. Kemmerer (ed). Animals and the Environment: Advocacy, Activism, and the Quest for Common Ground, Routledge, London and New York. (B23)



Arnemo, J. M., A. L. Evans, Å. Fahlman, and N. Caulkett. 2014. Field emergencies and complications. Pp. 139-147 in: G. West, D. Heard, and N. A. Caulkett, editors. Zoo animal and wildlife anesthesia and immobilization. 2nd edition. Wiley-Blackwell, Ames. (B21)

Arnemo, J. M., A. Haga, A. Lervik, and N. E. Søli. 2014. Sedasjon, immobilisering og anestesi av pattedyr og fugler. Sider 21e-40e i: Felleskatalog 2014-15 over preparater i veterinærmedisinen. 23. utg. Felleskatalogen AS, Oslo. [Webutgave: Fellekatalogen AS. Oslo: (23.10.2014)] (B22)



Arnemo, J. M., B. Ranheim, A. Haga, A. Lervik, A. J. Smith, and N. E. Søli. 2012. Sedasjon, immobilisering og anestesi av pattedyr og fugler. Sider 21e-42e i: Felleskatalog 2012-13 over preparater i veterinærmedisinen. 22. utg. Felleskatalogen AS, Oslo. [Webutgave: Fellekatalogen AS. Oslo: (07.10.2012)] (B20)

Kreeger, T. J. and J. M. Arnemo. 2012. Handbook of Wildlife Chemical Immobilization. 4th ed. Terry J. Kreeger, Sybille, Wyoming. (B19)



Arnemo, J. M., B. Ranheim, A. Haga, A. Lervik, A. J. Smith, and N. E. Søli. 2010. Sedasjon, immobilisering og anestesi av pattedyr og fugler. Sider 33e-55e i: Felleskatalog 2010-11 over preparater i veterinærmedisinen. 21. utg. Felleskatalogen AS, Oslo, 2010. [Webutgave: Fellekatalogen AS. Oslo: (26.10.2010)] (B18)



Martin, J., V. Tolon, B. van Moorter, M. Basille and C. Calenge.  2009. On the use of telemetry in habitat selection studies. Pp 37-55 in D. Barculo and J. Daniels, eds. Telemetry: Research, technology and applications, Nova Science Publishers Inc, New York, USA. (B17)



Arnemo, J. M., B. Ranheim, A. Haga, A. Lervik, A. J. Smith, and N. E. Søli. 2008. Sider 33e-55e i: Felleskatalog 2008-09 over preparater i veterinærmedisinen. 20. utg. Felleskatalogen AS, Oslo. [Webutgave: Fellekatalogen AS. Oslo: (24.10.2008)] (B16)



Arnemo, J. M and N. A. Caulkett. 2007. Stress.  Pp. 103-109 in: G. West, D. Heard, and N. A. Caulkett, editors. Zoo animal and wildlife anesthesia and immobilization. Blackwell Publications, Ames. (B15)

Caulkett, N. A. and J. M. Arnemo. 2007. Chemical immobilization of free-ranging terrestrial mammals. Pp. 807-831 in: W. J. Tranquilli, J. C., Thurmon, and K. Grimm K, editors. Lumb and Jones’ Veterinary anesthesia and analgesia. 4th ed. Blackwell Publications, Ames. (B14)

Kreeger, T. J. and J. M. Arnemo. 2007. Handbook of Wildlife Chemical Immobilization. 3rd Edition. Terry J. Kreeger, Wheatland, Wyoming. (B13)



Arnemo, J. M., B. Ranheim, A. Haga, A. J. Smith, and N. E. Søli. 2006. Sedasjon, immobilisering og anestesi av pattedyr og fugler. Sider 33e-55e i: Felleskatalog 2006-07 over preparater i veterinærmedisinen. 19. utg. Felleskatalogen AS, Oslo. [Webutgave: Fellekatalogen AS. Oslo: (11.10.06)] (B12)



Linnell, J. D. C., C. Promberger, L. Boitani, J. E. Swenson, U. Breitenmoser and R. Andersen. 2005. The linkage between conservation strategies for large carnivores and biodiversity: The view from the “half-full” forests of Europe.  Pages 381-399 in J. C. Ray, K. H. Redford, R. S. Steneck and J. Berger. Large carnivores and the conservation of biodiversity. Island Press, Washington, D. C. 562 pp. (B11)

Swenson, J. E. and H. Andrén. 2005. A tale of two countries: Large carnivore depredations and compensation schemes in Sweden and Norway. Pages 323-339 in R. Woodroffe, S. Thirgood, and A. Rabinowitz, eds. People and Wildlife: Conflict or Co-existence?  Cambridge University Press.  (Invited chapter) (B10)



Arnemo, J. M., B. Ranheim, A. Haga, and N. E. Søli. 2004. Sedasjon, immobilisering og anestesi av pattedyr og fugler. Sider 33e-55e i: Felleskatalog 2004-05 over preparater i veterinærmedisinen. 18. utg. Felleskatalogen AS, Oslo. [Webutgave: Fellekatalogen AS. Oslo: (09.09.04)] (B9)



Swenson, J. E. 2003. Implications of sexually selected infanticide for hunting of large carnivores. Pages 171-189 in M. Festa-Bianchet and M. Apollonio, eds. Animal Behavior and Wildlife Management.  Island Press, Washington, D. C.  371 pp. (B8)


Kreeger, T. J., J. M. Arnemo, and J. P. Raath. 2002. Handbook of Wildlife Chemical Immobilization. International Edition. Wildlife Pharmaceuticals Inc., Ft. Collins, Colorado, USA: 412 pp. (B7)   



Swenson, J. 2000. Der Braunbär (Ursus arctos) in Eurasien. Pages 89-108 in U. Gansloßer, editor. Die Bären.  Filander Verlag, Fürth.  314 pp.  (Invited chapter) (B5)

Swenson, J. E., N. Gerstl, B. Dahle and A. Zedrosser. 2000. Action plan for the conservation of the brown bear (Ursus arctos) in Europe. Council of Europe, Report T-PVS (2000) 24. 79 pp. (B6)



Sørensen, O. J., J. E. Swenson and T. Kvam. 1999. Status and management of the brown bear in Norway. Pages 86-89 in C. Servheen, S. Herrero and B. Peyton, compliers. Bears, status survey and conservation action plan. IUCN/SSC bear and polar bear specialist groups, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. 309 pp. (Invited chapter) (B3)

Swenson, J. E., F. Sandegren, A. Bjärvall, R. Franzén, A. Söderberg and P. Wabakken. 1999. Status and management of the brown bear in Sweden.  Pages 111-113 in C. Servheen, S. Herrero and B. Peyton, compliers. Bears, status survey and conservation action plan. IUCN/SSC bear and polar bear specialist groups, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. 309 pp. (Invited chapter) (B4)



Sandegren, F. and J. Swenson. 1997. Björnen - Viltet, ekologin och människan.  Svenska Jägareförbundet, Stockholm, Sweden. (The brown bear - The animal, ecology, and man; In Swedish). 70 pp. (B2)



Bjärvall, A., R. Franzén, M. Nordkvist and G. Åhman.  990. Renar och rovdjur - Rovdjurens effekter på rennäringen.  Naturvårdsverket förlag, Solna. (Reindeer and predators - The effects of predators on the reindeer industry; In Swedish) (B1)

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