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Doctoral Theses


Fuchs, Boris. Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Evenstad. PhD Thesis: Lead (Pb) exposure and source tracing in Scandinavian brown bears (Ursus arctos). (D.142)



Brown, Ludovick. Université de Sherbrooke, Canada. PhD Thesis: Les conséquences de la chasse au gros gibier chez deux omnivores opportunistes (The consequences of big game hunting in two opportunistic omnivores). (D.141)


Hydeskov, Helle. Nottingham Trent University, UK. PhD Thesis: Exposure and impacts of lead (Pb) in Scandinavian brown bears (Ursus arctos). (D.140)



Hansen, Jennifer. University College of Southeast Norway, Bø. PhD Thesis: The effects of social, familial, and anthropogenic factors on dispersal-related space use and movement behavior in Scandinavian brown bear (Ursus arctos). (D.139)



Thorsen, Neri Horntvedt. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås. PhD Thesis: Large carnivore responses to human activity and infrastructure at multiple scales in Scandinavia. (D.138)



Tumendemberel, Odbayar. University of South-Eastern Norway, Bø. PhD Thesis. Evolutionary history, demographics, and conservation of brown bears: Filling the knowledge gap in Central Asia. (1.37)


Van de Walle, Joanie. Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada. PhD Thesis. Soins maternels chez l’ours brun Scandinave dans un context de chasse intensive (Maternal care in the Scandinavian brown bear in a context of intensive hunting). (D1.36)



Arinell, Karin. Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden. PhD Thesis. Immobilization as a risk factor for arterial and venous thrombosis. (D.134)


Leclerc, Martin. Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada. PhD Thesis. Conséquences écologiques et évolutives de la chasse chez l’ours brun (Ursus arctos) Scandinave (Ecological and evolutionary consequences of hunting in the Scandinavian brown bear (Ursus arctos)). (D.133)


Moen, Gro Kvelprud. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås. PhD Thesis: Human-mediated effects on brown bear behavior and potential cascading effects. (D1.35)



De Cuyper, Annelies. Ghent University. PhD Thesis: Prey selection and digestive processing in terrestrial carnivorous mammals (D1.31)


Esteruelas, Núria Fandos. Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Evenstad. PhD Thesis: Short and long-term physiological effects of capture and handling on free-ranging brown bears (Ursus arctos). (D1.32)


Frank, Shane Carl. University College of Southeast Norway, Bø. PhD Thesis: The effects of harvest on the sociospatial and genetic structure of a solitary-living large carnivore, the brown bear Ursus arctos. (D1.30)


Hertel, Anne Gabriela. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås. PhD Thesis: The effect of berry abundance and mortality risk on behavior and life history in Scandinavian brown bears. (D1.29)


Sivertsen, Therese. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala. PhD Thesis: Risk of brown bear predation on semi-domesticated reindeer calves – Predation patterns, brown bear-reindeer interactions and landscape heterogeneity. (D.128)


Tallian, Aimee. Utah State University, Logan. PhD Thesis: The behavior and ecology of cursorial predators and dangerous prey: Integrating behavioral mechanisms with population-level patterns in large mammal systems. (D1.27)



Evans, Alina Lynn. Hedmark University College. PhD Thesis: Ecophysiology of brown bears; basic physiology and effects of hibernation, pregnancy, body mass, and capture. (D1.23)


Milleret, Cyril. Hedmark University of Applied Sciences, Evenstad. PhD Thesis: Spatial ecology of wolves in Scandinavia – From spatiotemporal dynamics of wolf pairs to wolf population dynamics. (D1.26)


Norman, Anita J. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå. PhD Thesis: Genomic studies of contemporary processes in wild populations, with the Scandinavian brown bear as a model. (D1.24)


Revsbech, Inge G. Aarhus University. PhD Thesis: Molecular mechanisms regulating oxygen transport and consumption in high altitude and hibernating mammals. (D1.22)


Sahlén. Ellinor. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå. PhD Thesis: Indirect effects of predation in human-modified landscapes. (Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, 1652-6880; 2016:116) (D1.25)



Friebe, Andrea. Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main. PhD Thesis. Winter ecology of free-ranging brown bears (Ursus arctos) in central Sweden. (D1.19)


Plumel, Marine. Institut pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien, Strasbourg, France. PhD Thesis:  Optimization of quantitative proteomics analytical strategies: Application to studying metabolic adaptive responses in various organisms. (D1.21)


Schregel, Julia. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås. PhD Thesis: Genetic structure and gene flow in a continuously distributed large terrestrial carnivore – The brown bear (Ursus arctos) in Northern Europe. (1.20)



Elfström, Marcus. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås. PhD Thesis: Patterns and mechanisms behind the occurrence of bears close to human settlements. (D1.18)


Sahlén, Veronica. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås. PhD Thesis: Encounters between brown bears and humans in Scandinavia - Contributing factors, bear behavior and management perspectives. (D1.17)



Steyaert, Sam. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås and University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna. PhD Thesis: The mating system of the brown bear in relation to the sexually selected infanticide theory. (D1.16)



Jojola, Susan M. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås. PhD Thesis: Social organization and olfactory communication in brown bears, Eurasian beavers, and yellow-bellied marmots. (D1.15)



Kindberg, Jonas. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, PhD Thesis: Monitoring and management of the Swedish brown bear (Ursus arctos) population. (D1.14)


Ordiz, Andrés. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås and Universidad de León, León. PhD Thesis: Reproductive patterns and human-influenced behavior in brown bears. Implications for the conservation of large carnivores. (D1.13)



Bischof, Richard. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås. PhD Thesis: Selective harvesting: Short- and long-term consequences for wild populations and their management. (D1.12)


Martin, Jodie. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås and Université Claude Bernard – Lyon 1 / Université de Lyon, Lyon. PhD Thesis: Habitat selection and movement by brown bears in multiple-use landscapes. (D1.11)



Fahlman, Åsa. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala. PhD Thesis: Advances in wildlife immobilisation and anaesthesia; Clinical and physiological evaluation in selected species. (D1.10)


Nawaz, Mohammad Ali. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås. PhD Thesis: Ecology, genetics and conservation of Himalayan brown bears. (D1.9)


Valentini, Alice. Università delgi studi della Tuscia di Viterbo (Dottorato di Recerca) and Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble (Docteur); joint (co-tutelle) degree program. PhD Thesis: Non-invasive diet analysis based on DNA barcoding: The Himalayan brown bears (Ursus arctos isabellinus) as a case study. (D1.8)



Katajisto, Jonna. University of Helsinki. Dr. scient. PhD Thesis: Habitat use and spatial population dynamics of brown bears (Ursus arctos) in Scandinavia. (D1.7)


Støen, Ole-Gunnar. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås. PhD Thesis: Natal dispersal and social organization in brown bears. (D1.5)


Zedrosser, Andreas. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås and University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna. PhD Thesis: Life-history strategies of brown bears. (D1.6)



Bellemain, Eva. Agricultural University of Norway, Ås (PhD) and Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble (Docteur); joint (co-tutelle) degree program. PhD Thesis: Genetics of the Scandinavian brown bear: Implications for biology and conservation. (D1.4)


Cercueil, Alain. Laboratoire des Techniques de l’Imagerie, de la Modélisation et de la Cognition & Laboratoire d’Ecologie Alpine, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France.  Thèse d’université. PhD Thesis: Contributions statistiques en génétique des populations (Statistical contributions in population genetics). (D1.3)


Swenson, Jon E. Institut für Wildbiologie und Jagdwirtschaft, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Vienna, Austria. Habilitation (Dr. Habil.). PhD Thesis: The ecology of an increasing brown bear population: Managing a successful recovery. (D1.2)



Dahle, Bjørn. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim. PhD Thesis: Reproductive strategies in Scandinavian brown bears. (D1.1)

The Scandinavian Brown Bear Project

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

Trondheim, Norway




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