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Internship: Researcher Sanzhar Sakenovich Kantarbayev from the Republic of Kazakhstan visits the SBBRP and NINA.


In October 2024, Sanzhar Sakenovich Kantarbayev, a junior researcher at the Center for Biocenology and Hunting, completed an internship with the SBBRP at NINA, Trondheim.

Sanjar studies ecological features in the biology of the brown bear, the topic of his PhD thesis is "Features of the ecology of the brown bear (Ursus arctos Linnaeus, 1758) in Kazakhstan" 

The internship was organized within the framework of the project: "Assessment of the state of bioresources in the Kazakh part of the Irtysh basin in the context of transboundary use of water resources and climate change". The scientific internship included several different areas, so it was conducted under the guidance and instruction of several leading experts: Jonas Kindberg, Alex Kopatz, Aimee Tallian, Matthew Granger, and Brett Sandercock. One of the objectives of the internship was to improve the skills of working with remote monitoring data obtained using camera traps in the Altai Mountains of Kazakhstan. During the internship, more than 25,000 frames from camera traps were analyzed to assess populations of various mammal species, including the brown bear and some ungulate mammals, and methods of statistical data analysis using the R language were mastered.

One of the important outcomes of the internship was the conclusion of a cooperation agreement between the Institute of Zoology of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the SBBRP, and NINA, which opens up new prospects for joint projects and the exchange of experience. This cooperation will improve the methods of wildlife monitoring and management in Kazakhstan.

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